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I'm not sure if Sesame Street is still a thing for little ones...mine aren't that far removed from toddler TV, but they never got into Big Bird and friends.

When you're preparing to list your home, there are so many things you can read or find on the internet about what you should or shouldn't do. Your friends and family may tell you one thing. Maybe you've had a #realtor share things with you in the past.

But, I'm here to keep it simple. I'm here to help you prepare your home, and not feel like you have to completely rearrange or pay a staging company (which sometimes aren't necessarily bad and can be highly encouraged).

So, the Letter D is very important when preparing your home to be sold. Declutter. Deep Clean. Depersonalize. Three big words that all start with the Letter D.

Let's DIVE right in.

DECLUTTER: We all have things lying around. Some of us more than others. There is nothing like going into someone's home and having the opportunity to read all their mail, look at their unfolded laundry, check out the mass amount of tchotchkes (knick knacks, trinkets, things...) on counters, etc. Then walking into the living room there is an overflowing basket of throw blankets, kids toys everywhere and the bookshelves look like the library had an earthquake. The bathroom counters are cluttered with makeup and toothpaste and the jackets that should be in the coat closet are stacked on the bench in the mudroom. We've all seen something like the above. And more than likely all of our homes, to some degree, have seen this scene too many times to count. Not selling just yet? That's ok. It's never a bad time to DECLUTTER.

Think: Less is More. Less is always More. Clear your counters. Put away the toys (may be a great opportunity to do a little purging). Have one blanket across the back of the couch. Or, if you have a couple favs, get a blanket ladder to display a few. Stow away the lesser used appliances (toasters, coffee makers, etc.) to make your counter space look clean and more abundant. Fold and put away the laundry. Stacks of unopened mail and random papers? Find the best method of filing that works for you and utilize filing system lately has been the trashcan. However, if things are important and need to be kept, create a filing system that works for you. Find ways to clean out things that are no longer needed, or that draw attention away from the awesomeness that is your home and the amenities you want folks to notice, like the beautiful backsplash, the amazing light fixture in the foyer, the crazy amount of extra storage and the possibilities that they could have with their things, not yours. If you're struggling with this, I've got some great contacts for you!

DEEP CLEAN: Like, hands and knees scrubbing, y'all. For real. No one wants to do this...but I promise it makes a HUGE difference. If you don't want to do it, I've got folks that can. I'm talking baseboards, blinds, window sills.... Have your carpets professionally cleaned (and stretched if they need it). Wall to wall, get every nook and cranny. Even if your home is 50 years old (mine is 49!) or still two years new, a good, thorough deep clean can help refresh it, and make it feel like new. And, it can't hurt to have it smelling nice. A little plug for one of my favorite products: Fluffelle. It smells ah-mazing, and is alcohol based so it has disinfecting properties and cleans well.

DEPERSONALIZE: Take a moment and go through your home and remove your family portraits, diplomas, kids art, etc. A small frame of you and your significant other on your nightstand is ok, but definitely remove the large family portrait on the mantle. By removing your personal items, you're allowing a potential buyer the opportunity to envision their family photos and sentimental things on the walls, shelves and coffee table without having the feeling that you and your family are staring back at them.

Another consideration are collectibles or collections. We all know you have a fabulous collection of Precious Moments figurines from when you were little. And your husband thinks his baseball hat collection on the wall is super stellar. However, you don't want your potential buyer more interested in your collectibles than your home. Take a moment to go ahead and box these things up. You'll be one step ahead when you're #undercontract! Without realizing it, you're also doing a little more decluttering.

Whether you're buying, selling, or just need to take time to refresh your space, the Three D's are a great place to start. #declutter #deepclean #depersonalize

You got this! And when you're ready or if you have questions, I'm here for YOU!

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